Oct 6, 2013


联想到前段时间Nature 专门做了一期特刊有关于PhD的教育的(The future of PhD),而新科研究人员(PhD candidates)的培育只不过是当代学术或许现实问题的冰山一角罢了。 

当然我不希望如此悲观,(以至于有可能能够改变游戏规则的人(精英)失望离开。)Nature中提到当前制度的一个后果是“研究人员的过度饱和”,我在想,真的过多了吗? 还是其实远远不够? 想想我们这个世代所面临的能源问题、粮食问题、土壤和水资源的污染问题,穷人的医疗问题,哪一个问题缺少得了专业人士的研究、分析与解决? 我们有做足够这方面的研究吗?也难怪整个世界都在抱怨充斥全宇宙的博士生呢...

我记得印象里里小时候和科学家或科技相关联的画面总是“高精尖”、“最先进”、“突破性的”、“诺贝尔奖”等等,长大后老师说影响因子就是学术的全部,science、nature在中国的大学里会是一件很轰动的事。 我感觉很多人心目中的研究大概是“做前人之未作,或在前人的基础上做的更好”,我们称之为“追求卓越”。然而这是一种追逐的过程,向前奔跑,没有止境的路。你想在哪里停止呢? 


宗萨钦哲仁波切说过“我们的社会总是用一个人拥有什么,而不是他是什么样的人来评价一个人”,这不仅是指物质上的拥有,也包括精神上的。 比如北大的柳智宇拒绝了MIT的录取而选择出家,当然在社会上掀起轩然大波。我们会觉得柳智宇先生“理所当然”地应该接受这份顶级的offer,“理所当然”地该去做最顶尖的研究,我们的社会总是这样“理所当然”地运行着...

他的文章有引用罗素的「大學教師理應是具有特殊知識和訓練的人,他們能夠從不尋常的角度去探索具有爭議性的問題,並很有機會因而使我們對該問題有新的瞭解。」(Russell, 1975)



Jul 7, 2013

First Bachelor thesis student finished

Last Friday, my first bachelor student Sander has successfully defended his bachelor thesis.
I am very happy to work with him, and together with him and other colleagues we are able to demonstrate an idea I proposed.
He is both curious and diligent, reminding me of the famous phrase of Zen: 'Never forget the beginner's mind'(in chinese: 不忘初心).

Jul 2, 2013

Nice book by Jean Bladel: Singular electromagnetic fields and sources

Electromagnetic theory is a quite broad research area, and forms the basis in understanding a wide branch of scientific phenomena, and consequently you can find lots of books using EM theory as their theoretical basics, and the main topics can diverges drastically.
Interestingly, this book by Jean Bladel: Singular electromagnetic fields and sources, aims to summarize a group of problems one may encounter in this area, the 'source/geometrical singularities', one common example is the Green's function which no one can escape when jumping into this area.
It is a very nice companion book as it aims, which provides with a nice read, and I would like to share with you.

Apr 17, 2013

Prefaces of a researcher

Knowledge is of great importance for our society, Nobody (or at least not so many) would doubt it any more. Techniques have made knowledge easily accessible to more and more people, just as some said before:"The techniques possibly make a fool of this generation more knowledgeable than genius of last generation"

 But knowledge doesn't come from nothing. Here come the researchers, often at the frontiers of knowledge, providing original new data or new perspectives of our world.

 People often forget that behind those 'cold' data/theories, there exist the researchers with beating hearts. There are not so many places where a researcher could post his/her opinion about researches themselves, or unfortunately, not every researcher is necessarily a good writer at the same time.

 Of course, time has left us with some of sparkling masterpieces, a nice written book or research paper or device. J.M. Ziman's book "Principles of the Theory of Solids" is of course of this kind. Even from its preface, you can learn so much about his opinion on writing/acquiring scientific knowledge. He was aiming to write a book full of ideas, instead of a collection of facts or complex formulas, which would distract the readers away from the science's hard core. Isn't it the very lack of many scientific publications?

 Anyway, I invite you with the preface of this true researcher, and hope it is inspiring for you as well. ---Lei, @Delft Link to the Preface of J.M. Ziman's book The link from the publisher is broken, you may search online about this book's preface, it is worth to read.

Jan 9, 2013


I have finished the NanoMeta Conference in Seefeld, Austria. I am really inspired by many of the talks given there, thus it is really worthwhile to broadcast it a bit.
The conference is held in the beautiful Seefeld in Tirol area.
You can find the program contents on this website> http://www.nanometa.org/.

I have also made a list of some of my favorite talks or posters during last week> NanoMeta_talks.

Jan 3, 2013

NanoMeta2013 Day1

From today on, I have been in the conference NanoMeta2013 which is organized of European Physics Society. (it is quite interesting when I see the poster in front of the congress that the EPS is a 'Grass Root' organisation. the 'Grass Root', 草根 in Chinese, simply meaning ordinary people who do not claim superior power, etc. but gathering together can make an important influence on this society.)

The Conference is kicked off by a plenary talk by Uwe Kreibig on extensions of Mie theory due to Mie's incapability to explain many of the experiments in the area of nano-plasmonics. To Uwe, the field of 'plasmonics' is not new at all.  Many of the Mie's problem lie in the fact that Mie has adopted bulk permittivity of the material for the sphere, actually the spherical surface has a strong influence on the electronic response which can not be exactly described by the bulk. 
He is the author of a book:

Optical Properties of Metal Clusters

The section 'Quantum Plasmonics' in the morning leads to a strong debate on the methods of modelling sub-nm plasmonic gaps. The 'Quantum' plasmonics is mainly explaining the plasmonic effects by Quantum Mechanics. Classical electromagnetic theory by using bulk properties of materials will predict infinite field enhancement for a infinitesimal metallic tip, but from quantum physics, we can know this can not be true since the Pauli exclusion principle of the electrons. This is effect is need to take into consideration when tip/gap is below 1 nm. 
 Stephen Maier presented the non-locality theory for sub-nm tips. The non-locality theory is quite popular in recent years, and have been used in publications of F. Javier García de Abajo, D.R. Smith, S.A. Maier, et al.. The basic idea behind it is to introduce an 'electronic friction' in describing the collective oscillation of the electrons. 
Javier Aizpurua claims today that we should be cautious in applying the 'hydrodynamic' model of the electrons, since it has a failure history in describing previous surface physics, and will possibly result in the same consequence in describing closed surfaces- the area of plasmonics.  Javier and his collegues has developed an alternative method-- 'Time-dependent density functional theory', which originates from quantum theory.

I have expected more on Stephen Maier's presentation about broadband plasmonic antennas for SEIRS, but unfortunately he didn't go very deep into this part.
The talk of Frank Neubrech is quite nice as well.