Jun 28, 2012

Surface Plasmon Study notes

I am currently studying the physics of surface plasmons.
Starting with the wave equations and boundary conditions, I have discussed the very basics  in the Surface plasmon notes(constantly updating), which is mainly about the conditions for the existence of such surface waves at the interface of 2 different medium.
Interface between two medium
In order to fulfill the wave equation and boundary conditions, if there exists a TE polarized surface wave, it should have a real wavevector as follows:
 if there exists a TM polarized surface wave, it should have a real wavevector as follows:

For non-magnetic metals like gold/silver, their relative permeability u1=u2=1, and they normally have Re(epsilon)<<0, hence they are quite good materials for supporting surface plasmons in the visible range and normally the surface plasmons on the metal surface is TM polarized.

Let's consider the permittivity of metal can be approximated as the simplified Drude model, where dissipation term is not considered:
then the wavevector-frequency relationship can be expressed as:
where k~=k/kp, w~=w/wp, kp=wp/c, where wp is the plasma frequency.
A typical configuration for SPR sensing is given in the following image:
Kretschmann confi guration
To excite the surface plasmons, we need to match the wavevectors  components which is parallel to the interface.

 In the above configuration, we are only able to excite surface plasmons on the gold-sensing area interface. When the permittivity of the sensing area changes, the k-w relation for the surface plasmon also changes, as a result, we will excite surface plasmons at different wavevector and frequency. The figure below serves as an example:

Surface plasmon excitation condition when the permittivity of thesensing area varies
In a recent publication, Z.F. Yu, S.H. Fan [2011] argue from a theoretical point of view that "The extraordinary spectral sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance sensors is commonly attributed to the modal overlap or unique dispersion of surface plasmons.In contrast to this belief, we show that such high sensitivity is due to the multimode nature of the sensing scheme."

The main results of their publication is given as follows:
the spectral sensitivity S can be written as

Jun 21, 2012

Some Research news media

SPIE seems to adapt to the new media age quite well.
SPIE Newsroom: There is an app. on android for this.
SPIE.TV: Lots of interesting talks with slides of SPIE conferences, I watched one talk by L.V. Wang, which is quite well developed: ideas clear and inspiring. 

Sciencedaily is quite a good news sources. 
Physics normally reports some excellent publication on APS, is a good sources for physics research.
Medgadget provides nice news on Medical technology news.

Jun 5, 2012

Compressed Sensing (study)

From now on, I will start a self book study session on Compressed Sensing, which I consider to be an important math tool for future research.
I will start with the "Introduction to Compressed Sensing" by Mark A. Davenport et al.
The study notes will be constantly updated in the file "CS_notes", it is mainly a summary of my study progress of "Introduction to Compressed Sensing" with some additional background material for me to understand, thus most of the material in the notes belongs to Mark A. Davenport et al., it is important to note that.

The Compressed Sensing has two equally important part:
(1). Sensing Matrix M, this is vital for practical measurement design, and the construction of the sensing matrix M requires knowledge of the sparsity of the data we want to measure.
(2). Signal Recovery via l1-minimization.

Up to June 13th, I have finished the first part--properties and construction of sensing matrix. But it is really difficult to understand the theory, compared to the Shannon sampling theory. I think partly due to the writing and partly due to the early stage of Compressed Sensing itself.  Hope the later study can be easier.